Massimo Listri, a refined, talented and world-renowned artist, but also a collector, aninventor of incredible spaces to live and a man of great taste, has decided to embarkon a new creative project in the field of furniture.
The aim is to demonstrate that design and the pursuit of Italian culture, combinedwith the extraordinary production ability of the Chinese, can give rise to an excellence of style and craftsmanship. An adventure that the famous photographer shares withLinda Bao, a former antiquarian and today a furniture producer, a prolific professional figure with vast and articulated experience and with an equal passion for beauty.
With the mutual esteem that joins them, Massimo Listri and Linda Bao have started along this unexpected aesthetic journey with great stylistic originality and one thatstands out for their use of the finest quality materials, processes and productiontechniques.
Mr. Massimo Listri,一位優雅的、有才華的世界級著名的藝術家,同時也是一位資深收藏家,一個令人難以置信的高品位生活空間的發明者,已然決定開始其在家具領域的一個嶄新的創意項目。
為了向世人展示,意大利文化和設計結合中國人非凡的生產力,能產生一種卓越的風格和工藝, 著名攝影師Mr. Massimo Listri和 鮑艷女士,一位曾經的文物收藏家和現今的家具生產商, 一位經驗豐富和同樣對美有巨大熱情的專業人士, 共同開啟了他們的華麗冒險。
在他們的相互信任之下,Mr. Massimo Listri和鮑艷女士開啟了這意想不到的美學之旅, 在風格上有偉大創新,并且使用最優質的材料,工藝和生產技術使新產品脫穎而出。